Service-learning Project 2014

Service-learning is a method of teaching that combines classroom instruction with meaningful community service. This form of learning emphasizes a heightened sense of community, civic engagement, and personal responsibility.
This year we are going to help the foundation "Sagrada Familia"  translate content from their webpage:

Our first challenge (May-April 2014) is the translation of the following video:

In order to translate the video, we worked together on a public collaborative Google Drive document:

This is the final product! Watch the video!
Click on the image below:

Our second challenge (May-July 2014) is the translation of the following file:

In order to translate the content of the above file, we worked together on the following public collaborative Google Drive document:

This is the final product! 

Our third challenge (July-August) is the translation of the following file:

We are working on this last translation...
To be continued...

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