Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Martin's interview !!!

Today, Martin Hoberman, Inés's grandson, visited our class. He was born in the USA but his parents are from Argentina. He is 21 and he is majoring in finance. This Argentine/American guy proved to be a grandson to be proud of! Thanks Martin for visiting us! We had a really nice time! 

Martín and his mother on his high school graduation day

Have a look at the following text written by Inés, dedicated to her 3 grandsons from the USA!
What a granny!!!! =)


  1. Ines, I´m sure they´ll never forget your stories. Those are the best heritage.

  2. Martin, you are a real BONBON. thank you for visiting us
    Martha G.

  3. Martin , I realized why your grandmother is proud of you .Was a pleasure share our time with you. Thank you.

